TO UPDATE YOUR SCRIPT NOTE: - Any changes (customisation) you have made to your website files will be lost when you update. - make sure to let your users know that you are performing an update. -> Always create a backup incase something goes wrong so you can restore back your old files. - make sure your server meets minimum requirements to run the script. check PHP VERSION. WHAT TO DO -> Firstly import the Database file in this folder to your existing database. It will insert the necessary columns and tables to run this new update. -> Create a backup of your old files -> Remove (delete) the old files from where it is installed (sub-domain, sub-folder, public_html, etc..) -> upload the new script files you downloaded from codecanyon and extract it in the location you want. (usually where the previous files was). -> Enter the database credentials in the .env file (look up the values in the old .env file from the backup folder.) -> test your website in the browser and see if it is working. -> If it is working you will have your website data intact. NOTE: some images maybe lost due to this update. please re-upload them( logo, favicon, images ) That is all. Contact us on if you have trouble updating or if you run into any problem, we will be happy to help.