@extends('layouts.dash') @section('title', $title) @section('content')
Welcome, {{ Auth::user()->name }}!
@if (!empty($settings->welcome_message) and Auth::user()->created_at->diffInDays() <= 3)
@endif @if ($settings->enable_annoc == 'on' and !empty($settings->newupdate))
Account Summary
Account balance
{{ $settings->currency }}{{ number_format(Auth::user()->account_bal, 2, '.', ',') }}
@if ($mod['investment'])
Total Profit
{{ $settings->currency }}{{ number_format(Auth::user()->roi, 2, '.', ',') }}
{{ $settings->currency }}{{ number_format(Auth::user()->bonus, 2, '.', ',') }}
@if ($mod['subscription'])
Trading Accounts
{{ $trading_accounts }}
Active Plan(s)
{{ $plans ? count($plans) : '0' }}
Total Deposit
{{ $settings->currency }}{{ number_format($deposited, 2, '.', ',') }}
@if ($mod['investment'] || $mod['cryptoswap'])
Total Withdrawal
{{ $settings->currency }}{{ number_format($total_withdrawal, 2, '.', ',') }}
Fundamental & Technical Outlook
@if ($mod['investment']) {{-- Active Investment plans section --}}
Recent Plan(s) (2)
Active Plan(s) ({{ $plans ? count($plans) : '0' }})
@forelse ($plans as $plan)
{{ $plan->dplan->name }}

Amount - {{ $settings->currency }}{{ number_format($plan->amount) }}

{{ $plan->created_at->toDayDateTimeString() }}
Start Date
{{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($plan->expire_date)->toDayDateTimeString() }}
End Date
@if ($plan->active == 'yes') Active @elseif($plan->active == 'expired') Expired @else Inactive @endif

You do not have an active investment plan at the moment.

Buy a plan
@endforelse @if (count($plans) > 0) @endif
{{-- end of active investmet and purchase of investment plan --}} @endif {{-- 10 Recent transaction begin --}} {{-- end of recent transactions --}}
Refer Us & Earn

Use the below link to invite your friends.
