@extends('layouts.dash') @section('title', $title) @section('content')

Swap Crypto

Earn even more when you swap your Account balance to and from crypto.

{{ $settings->currency }}{{ number_format(Auth::user()->account_bal, 2, '.', ',') }}

Account Balance
@if ($moresettings->btc == 'enabled')

{{ round($cbalance->btc, 8) }} BTC

@endif @if ($moresettings->eth == 'enabled')

{{ round($cbalance->eth, 8) }} ETH

@endif @if ($moresettings->ltc == 'enabled')

{{ round($cbalance->ltc, 8) }} LTC

@endif @if ($moresettings->link == 'enabled')

{{ round($cbalance->link, 8) }} LINK

@endif @if ($moresettings->bnb == 'enabled')

{{ round($cbalance->bnb, 8) }} BNB

@endif @if ($moresettings->ada == 'enabled')

{{ round($cbalance->ada, 8) }} ADA

@endif @if ($moresettings->aave == 'enabled')

{{ round($cbalance->aave, 8) }} AAVE

@endif @if ($moresettings->usdt == 'enabled')

{{ round($cbalance->usdt, 8) }} USDT

{{ $settings->currency }}{{ number_format(round($cbalance->usdt)) }}
@endif @if ($moresettings->bch == 'enabled')

{{ round($cbalance->bch, 8) }} BCH

@endif @if ($moresettings->xrp == 'enabled')

{{ round($cbalance->xrp, 8) }} XRP

@endif @if ($moresettings->xlm == 'enabled')

{{ round($cbalance->xlm, 8) }} XLM


Source Account

Destination Account

NOTE:USD is your account balance.


You will get

Fees = {{ $moresettings->fee }}%
@include('purpose.user.exchangescript') @endsection