@extends('layouts.millage') @section('title', $title) @section('content')
Withdrawal Details
@if (session('status')) {{ session()->forget('status') }} @endif
Your payment method {{ $payment_mode }}
@if ($payment_mode == 'USDT' and $settings->auto_merchant_option == 'Binance' and $settings->withdrawal_option == 'auto') @else
@if (Auth::user()->sendotpemail == 'Yes')
OTP will be sent to your email when you request
@endif @if (!$default or $payment_mode == 'BUSD') @if ($methodtype == 'crypto')
Enter {{ $payment_mode }} Address
{{ $payment_mode }} is not a default withdrawal option in your account, please enter the correct wallet address to recieve your funds.
{{ $payment_mode }} is not a default withdrawal option in your account, please enter the correct bank details seperated by comma to recieve your funds.
BankName: Name, Account Number: Number, Account name: Name, Swift Code: Code
@endif @endif