Investment Plans
New plan
@if (!session('removeInfo'))
Users cannot invest in an inactive plan. Plan status is useful when you want to display to your users a plan but you do not want them to invest in it at the moment. Users already subscribed to an inactive plan would still receive ROI till the plan expires, but will not be able to purchase it.
@endif @forelse ($plans as $plan)
$plan->status == 'inactive', 'badge-success' => $plan->status == 'active', ])>{{ $plan->status }}

{{ $plan->name }}

{{ $settings->currency }} {{ number_format($plan->price) }}
Minimum Possible Deposit:{{ $settings->currency }}{{ number_format($plan->min_price) }}
Maximum Possible Deposit:{{ $settings->currency }}{{ number_format($plan->max_price) }}
Minimum Return:{{ number_format($plan->minr) }}%
Maximum Return:{{ number_format($plan->maxr) }}%
Gift Bonus:{{ $settings->currency }}{{ $plan->gift }}
Duration:{{ $plan->expiration }}

  @if ($plan->status == 'inactive') @else @endif

No Investment Plan at the moment, click the button above to add a plan.
