{{-- blade-formatter-disable --}} @component('mail::message') # Hello {{ $demo->receiver_name }}, This is to notify you that your investment plan ({{ $demo->receiver_plan }} plan) has expired and your capital for this plan has been added to your account for withdrawal.
Plan: {{ $demo->receiver_plan }}
Amount: {{ $demo->received_amount }}
Date: {{ $demo->date }}
Kind regards,
You've received this email because youv've signed up to receive updates from our company. if you do not wish to receive our newsletter, Please UNSUBSCRIBE here.
Suite 219 Titan Court, 3 Bishops Square, Hatfield, England, AL10 9NA.
[About Us]   [Privacy Policy]   [Terms of Service] {{ $demo->sender }}. @endcomponent {{-- blade-formatter-disable --}}