@extends('layouts.app') @section('content')

Connected Accounts

These accounts have be connected to your Master Trading account.

  • Accounts will be deleted after 10 days of expiration and have not been renewed.
  • Accounts will not receive trade if they are not deployed, even if copytrade is on.
Deploy All Undeploy All
@forelse ($subscribers['data'] as $item) @empty @endforelse
Account ID Account Password Account Type Account Name Server Provider Started at Expiring at Deployment
{{ $item['login'] }} {{ $item['password'] }} {{ $item['account_type'] }} {{ $item['account_name'] }} {{ $item['server'] }} {{ $item['provider'] ? $item['provider'] : '-' }} {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($item['start_date'])->toDayDateTimeString() }} @if (now()->greaterThanOrEqualTo(\Carbon\Carbon::parse($item['end_date']))) {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($item['end_date'])->toDayDateTimeString() }} Renew @else {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($item['end_date'])->toDayDateTimeString() }} @endif @if ($item['deployment_status'] == 'Deployed')

{{ $item['deployment_status'] }}

Undeploy @else

{{ $item['deployment_status'] }}

@if (!now()->greaterThanOrEqualTo(\Carbon\Carbon::parse($item['end_date']))) Deploy @endif @endif
@if (!$item['started_copy_trade']) @include('admin.subscription.subscriber.copytrade', [ 'item' => $item, ]) @else @php $provArray = explode('-', $item['provider']); $provider = $provArray[1]; @endphp Copytrade is ON
@endif Delete Account
No Data Available
{{-- {{ $data['links'] }} --}}