@extends('layouts.app') @section('content')

Update Payment method

@if ($method->name == 'USDT')

For your users to be able to withdraw via USDT when you use Binance as your merchant and you set withdrawal to automatic, you need to whitelist their ip address, else they will not be able to withdraw. To do that, check users login activities from manage users then collect their IP address and whitelist it on your Binance merchant dashboard.

@csrf @method('PUT')
@if ($method->defaultpay == 'yes') @else @endif @if ($method->name == 'Credit Card') Please ensure you have selected a credit card provider from the payment preference tab. Please delete paystack and stripe payment option as this method already makes use of them. @endif
Minimum Amount
Required but only applies to withdrawal
Maximum Amount
Required but only applies to withdrawal
Required but only applies to withdrawal
Charges Type
Required but only applies to withdrawal
Image url
{{-- Currency inputs --}}
Bank Name
Account Name
Account Number
Swift/Other Code
{{-- Cryptocurrency Inputs --}}
Wallet Address
Wallet Address Network Type
@if ($method->name == 'USDT' or $method->name == 'BUSD') Ensure your network for USDT payment is always TRC20 and BUSD payment is ERC20 if you set payment option to automatic and you are using coinpament option. If you want to use manual payment option, you can use whatever network you prefer. @endif
Type for
Optional Note
@endsection @push('scripts') @endpush