@csrf @method('PUT')
Contact Email
Website Currency
HomePage Url (Redirect)
If you use a custom homepage and you want all request to be rediected to that page, please enter the url here, if empty the system will use our default homepage/webpages
Referral bonus should come from
Weekend Trade:
if turned off, Users will not receive ROI on weekends
if disabled, Users will not be able to place withdrawal request
Google ReCaptcha:
if turned on, Users will need to pass the google recaptcha challenge upon registration, also please see how to set up google recpatcha on your website before you can use it. See how
if turned on, Users will have the option of selecting their preferred language through google translation
Trade Mode
if turned off, Users will not receive thier ROI at all.
if turned on, Users will need to submit required documents to get verified before they can place a withdrawal request.
KYC(Verification) on Registraion
if turned on, Users will have to go through the verification process upon registration and they will not be allowed to carry out any operation on your system until they have been verified by the admin. Note this will affect existing users who have not completed their KYC. After they have submitted an application, you will also need to verify the user from your end before they can procced.
Google Login
Google Login allows users to login/register with their google account
Email Verification
If email verification is disabled users will not be ask to verify their email address.
Return Capital
If return capital is No, the system will not credit the user with his capital after investment plan expires
Plan Cancellation
Turn it on if you want users to be able to cancel their active investment plans. Note the capital will be returned to users account when they cancel their plan.
Use Onlinetrader Copytrading
Turn off if you have your own copy trade system, and you only want to process users subscription without using our copytrade system.