@extends('layouts.app') @section('content')

Add Investment Plan

Plan Name
Plan price({{ $settings->currency }})
This is the maximum amount a user can pay to invest in this plan, enter the value without a comma(,)
Plan Minimum Price ({{ $settings->currency }})
This is the minimum amount a user can pay to invest in this plan, enter the value without a comma(,)
Plan Maximum Price ({{ $settings->currency }})
Same as plan price, enter the value without a comma(,)
Minimum return (%)
This is the minimum return (ROI) for this plan, enter the value without a comma(,)
Maximum return (%)
This is the Maximum return (ROI) for this plan, enter the value without a comma(,)
Gift Bonus ({{ $settings->currency }})
Optional Bonus if a user buys this plan.enter the value without a comma(,)
Top up Interval
This specifies how often the system should add profit(ROI) to user account.
Top up Type
This specifies if the system should add profit in percentage(%) or a fixed amount.
Top up Amount (in % or {{ $settings->currency }} as specified above)
This is the amount the system will add to users account as profit, based on what you selected in topup type and topup interval above.
Investment Duration
This specifies how long the investment plan will run. Please strictly follow the guide on how to setup investment duration else it may not work.
@endsection @push('scripts') @endpush